Some of Kim’s photography

The sun was setting and the baboon troop were heading for their roost, which meant crossing the Majale River. The waters were shallow and of no consequence to this light weight… Mashatu Game Reserve, Botswana.

Being the only spotted hyaena cub at the den, she’s always looking for playmates. Of course they’re much older than her, and especially the males like to play, although at times these games look rather rough, but the cub kept coming back for more. Mashatu Game Reserve. Botswana.

This Spotted Hyaena cub, only a few weeks old, was running around seeking attention. Eventually mom joined it for a wrestle. Those jaws capable of shattering an elephant bone can also be incredibly gentle. These much maligned animals are such tender caring mothers. Mashatu Game Reserve, Botswana.

I was driving along a dry riverbed when I looked up on the bank where the sun was baking down on this young African Elephant bull. He looked iconic but at the same time insignifcant, the sun over powering him. An insignifcant figure in an non-existant landscape. It all spoke to the intense dilemma these icons are up against, being poached out of existence as daily we lose more and more habitat for them to roam. Mashatu Game Reserve, Botswana. Vulnerable under the IUCN Red Data list.

It was in the heat of the day and perched on this ridge the family of Cheetah, a mother and her 4 big youngsters, all sat up as one when a lone adult male impala came across the plains in the distance. Motionless, they were all focussed. Mashatu Game Reserve, Botswana. Vulnerable, IUCN Red Data List.